Laibach & York
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Founded in 2013, LAIBACH & YORK has been bench crafting eyewear for high profile clientele for years. We are proud to bring global recognition to Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Providing some of the highest quality eyewear in the industry.
- Ergonomically designed for superior weight distribution.
- Properly cured Italian cellulose acetate for the best adjustments.
- 3-5 barrel Italian hinges for lifetime durability
- Five step polish for a stunning glassy finish from a 9 day process.
Slovenia is regularly described as a “cradle of beekeeping” and the country is home to the original Carniolan honeybee, one of the most popular species worldwide. Laibach & York owns their own bee sanctuary and honey farm, keeping to Slovenian tradition. We are avid supporters of bee conservation and fighting colony collapse disorder.
We are a zero-waste company, meaning we utilize every scrap of material. We turn what would be trash to another company into beautiful business card holders, Laibach Little frames, necklaces, and more.
Cellulose acetate, is a bioplastic made from wood and cotton pulp. LAIBACH & YORK frames are completely biodegradable.
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Laibach & York Thin Collection Sold outLaibach & York Thin Collection$325.00$325.00Unit price / perLaibach & York Capital Havana Laibach & York Capital Andorra La Vella Laibach & York Capital San Marino Laibach & York Capital Luxembourg Laibach & York Capital Valletta Laibach & York Capital Reykjavik Laibach & York Butterfly Budapest Glasses Laibach & York Square Brussels Glasses Laibach & York Capital Canberra Bold Butterfly Glasses Laibach & York Capital Sofia Edgy Statement Butterfly Glasses Laibach & York Capital Zagreb Square Glasses